Poem: Honoring the Loss of My Baby, Sepulveda and Giving Birth To OneMama


This is a poem I wrote to honor the spirit of my baby, Sepulveda, who I lost in a miscarriage. Losing her gave birth to my life’s mission: to ensure every baby is born into the world knowing he or she is loved and matters. It is out of this process of grief, tears, and pain that I founded OneMama.org to make this mission a reality. OneMama provides maternal health resources and empowers women in impoverished, rural communities. I am fighting for the joy of others and saving lives in Sepulveda’s honor.

The Birth of OneMama!

January 6th marks the anniversary of the birth of OneMama,

Really the original source,

The beginning of my life’s purpose.


This day is called the Epiphany.

On this day it is said The Wise Men came for the Divine Birth.

It is the day my Mother was born

And it is the day I lost my baby Sepulveda’s spirit to the heavens.


This day marks the long hard journey of transmuting the deepest pain I’ve

known to my greatest joy and what I now know I am here to do.


I cry tears of joy today and sadness all fused into this lovely sweet

Package of Truly Living and experiencing all that is Love.


The Spirit of Sepulveda is there to usher every Baby born to safety and

to let Every Mother know she too is LOVED and MATTERS.


I try to swim through life with Her in my heart

She sacrificed so much LIFE so that I could be of service to

So many others like her in this life.


Sepulveda whispered in my ear to go to Africa to heal my grief by being

There with an open heart for others in need.


Sepulveda then whispered in my ear when I met Mama-Jamira that this is

The OneMama who can support all Mama’s.


Then Sepulveda smiled on my heart.

With every child I see enter the world,

I experience a new life on my journey of service.

With this experience my heart is healed and continues to heal.


This poem was also published on Elephant Journal: Poem: How OneMama Came to Be


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