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Equality Peace Unity Together We Are All OneMama

Let’s together create a new way to lead in this new path to a new world…

…a world with true soul connections with every soul, in full equality. Where everyone feels like they are LOVED and they MATTER.

> To read our full blog piece on this topic, including the resources below, Click Here.

OneMama’s Voice:

We are all OneMama Living on this One Mother Earth!…”
“We all want to feel like we are loved and we matter in this world”

How to Be an Ally

It’s important to understand what it means to by an ally. An ally is a person who is not a member of a particular marginalized group but seeks to help end the oppression of those in the marginalized group. Being an ally is a life long constant process.

Ally-ship can mean different things to different people, and it can be tough to know where to start.*

Commit to becoming an ally
for racial equality.

End White Silence: Resources for White Education of Racism

*Here are things you can do right now to become a better Ally:

Taken from the article A Guide to How You Can Support Marginalized Communities.

1.       Do your research. Do what you can to educate yourself before you ask others to explain things to you.

2.       Brush up on history. Asking “How could something like this happen?” when another police encounter turns deadly can come across as tone-deaf to communities.

3.       Influence people in your own group. Talk to the people in your own life, particularly those that share the same identity as you. Share your learnings from your research.

4.       Teach your children. It’s never too early. Talk to your kids explicitly about racism and other forms of discrimination. Don’t teach them to be “colorblind.”

5.       Own up to your mistakes. Allyship is a process. Along the way, you’re sure to do or say the wrong thing now and then. Don’t get defensive. Take responsibility for slip-ups and do better moving forward.

6.       Acknowledge and use your privilege. A critical part of being an ally is recognizing the benefits and power you have in society because of the identity you were born with.

7.       Understand others’ experiences. Instead of offering up your own thoughts, listen to people who are marginalized when they tell you about their experiences, frustrations and emotions. Sit with that for a while.



  • The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) released a new web portal “Talking About Race”. Talking About Race provides digital tools, online exercises, video instructions, scholarly articles, and more than 100 multimedia resources tailored for educators, parents, and caregivers, as well as individuals committed to racial equality.
  • Guide to Allyship – An open source starter guide to help you become a more thoughtful and effective ally.

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