Commission on the Status of Women (CSW63) at UN in New York this March!

OneMama Attending CSW63 From Afar

CSW63 – The 63rd Session of The Commission on the Status of Women

United Nations Headquarters – New York, NY

March 11th to 22th, 2019

CSW63 Banner UN

What is the CSW?

CSW is the Commission on the Status of Women, an event in which thousands of activists from civil society organizations around the world come to the United Nations headquarters in New York. This is the global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.

Each year, has taken the world stage to be the voice for the women at the OneMama Health Center and community and for women around the world. We are thrilled each year to partner with the UN and our DPI partners. Through our partnerships and consultative status, OneMama can amplify the voices of our villagers to a global stage!

Siobhan Neilland Speaking at CSW Forum United Nations

The CSW continues to be a ground-breaking gathering to promote women’s rights. Importantly, it brings together world-leaders to change global policies regarding the treatment of women around the world.

The priority themes for 2019 are “Social protection systems, access to public services, and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.”


Four Years at the CSW – Four Years of Change!

2015: Game changing, eye opening, groundbreaking: this was my experience at the United Nations


An Emotional Week at the United Nations CSW60


WE DID IT! Our Voices Were Heard at United Nations Women CSW61


2018: OneMama’s 2018 United Nations CSW62 Recap


Sadly, OneMama will not be attending the CSW in person this year
as we pour our resources into building out new economic program OneMama Health Center in Uganda and looking into building a new center in Tanzania.  Siobhan always pays for herself and the OneMama team to attend from her own personal money. However, this year there are not enough funds to make this happen. Siobhan’s personal funds and resources are in desperate need at the grounds of the clinic in Uganda.

Though we will not be there in person, OneMama still has partners that will be attending on our behalf. We stand with the change-makers attending the CSW63 this year and look forward to hearing about the initiatives that come from their time together.

Interested in the work the CSW does?

Follow the hashtag #CSW63 and join the conversation around the betterment of women around the world!

Stay tuned – Siobhan Neilland and Jessica Buchleitner will be doing a summary from our partners that attend the CSW this year.



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