OneMama’s 2018 United Nations CSW62 Recap


March 2018, marked OneMama’s first year going to the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations with DPI Consultative Status.

The trip was rewarding and intense. We began the long journey with new partnerships to be able to help us have more influence in policy and initiatives for the communities we support. Jesssica Buchleitner and I are currently creating a five to ten year road map to longevity, using connections and knowledge gained from our time at the United Nations.

This is a new road for me as I navigate these UN waters. It is all very political in nature. We are taking our years attending the CSW and enlisting true partners who believe in OneMama and help guide us as we find our footing. We believe each step of this journey is paving the way to create more change for the people and programs we believe in.

Love and light,

Siobhan Neilland Siobhan Neilland CSW

OneMama CEO and Founder




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