OneMama Makes a Statement at New York Fashion Week #NYFW


What a whirlwind it has been… and the days just keep getting better! Siobhan, founder of and ShaBoom Products, hit the catwalk at New York Fashion Week this 2015 to raise money for mamas and babies living on less than $1.25 a day. As the featured charity, was showcased in multiple aspects of New York Fashion Week, thanks to the amazing team at iCu Networks. Both the OneMama Collection and ShaBoom Products Collection were featured in the iCu Network Fashion Show, with many models from other designers also strutting the catwalk in ShaBoom Products! It was an evening of magic, with models, designers, fashionistas, and action heroes-like host Cory Wade Hindorff-celebrating how an individual’s purchasing power can truly change the world.

The OneMama model uniquely empowers individuals to harness their purchasing power to create global social change. Siobhan founded both The OneMama Collection and Shaboom Products Collection to serve as long-term funding streams for 501c3 nonprofit,, with every $4 spent on either collection saving the lives of a mother and a baby through our clinic in Uganda. The OneMama Collection’s clothing, accessories, and jewelry line is handmade by our artisans in Uganda, while ShaBoom Products—an all-natural, paraben-free makeup line—donates 15% to 20% of all proceeds to OneMama programs. The merging of these two collections on the catwalk produce striking, head-to-toe looks that literally save lives.

We wanted to make a statement on the catwalk this year at New York Fashion Week: Every individual can harness his or her purchasing power to look and feel fabulous… while saving lives through

Outfit Saves 160 Lives

Classy OneMama Tear Drop Dress:
Saves 30 lives

OneMama Paper Beads (5):
Saves 50 lives

OneMama Cowhorn Hoop Earrings:
Saves 20 lives

ShaBoom Cosmetics Red Carpet Kit:
Saves 60 lives

Classy OneMama Tear Drop Dress:
Saves 30 lives

OneMama Wooden Beads (2):
Saves 38 lives

ShaBoom Cosmetics Surfer Girl Kit:
Saves 39 lives

Outfit Saves 104 Lives

Outfit Saves 107 Lives

Outfit Saves 173 Lives

Outfit Saves 173 Lives

Action Hero OneMama Cape:
Saves 50 lives

OneMama Action Hero Top:
Saves 25 lives

OneMama Slit Skirt:
Saves 25 lives

ShaBoom Cosmetics World of Color Kit:
Saves 73 lives



  1. Geraldine Brooks

    Awesome OneMama Charitable event and purpose .

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