Call to Action: Become a OneMama United Nations Delegate

We offer our OneMama family the first opportunity to apply to be a U.N. delegate to work together and push the needle for change on global economic social issues and sustainable development goals.
A few weeks ago, OneMama announced that we were awarded Consultative ECOSOC status with the United Nations. One of the powerful advantages of having ECOSOC status is that the organization gets to take delegates to the UN in New York City March 9-20, 2020.
We are looking to IMMEDIATELY fill our 20-person delegate team, and we want to open up the opportunity to our OneMama family to join us. Being a UN delegate with OneMama is an inspiring, unique experience, and we want to fill these slots with passionate people who align with the OneMama vision.
We are looking for people that are:
- Passionate and excited about moving the needle for change for unrepresented communities of women both internationally and locally.
- Moved by the specific work OneMama is doing internationally.
- Inspired to change policy through the United Nations platform.

We will be hand selecting individuals based on their passion and areas of expertise to help carry out the OneMama agenda to help amplify the voice for those that OneMama represents.
This year’s theme at the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW64) is to review the progress of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which is considered one the most “progressive blueprint ever for advancing women’s rights.” We want to know how the Platform for Action aligns with you.
Important requirements needed to apply:
- Must be 18 years of age or older to apply.
- Commit to attend the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York March 9-20th, 2020. Must be able to pay own airfare and accommodations. Complete details to come.
- Be a OneMama Action Alliance member. If you are not a OneMama member yet, learn more by clicking HERE (select one of the three yearly membership options).
- Submit a written one-page narrative why you would be a good fit to our delegate team while highlighting your specialties. Also explain why the themes for the CSW64 are important to you. Include your resume, CV, and/or letters of endorsements.
- Complete our application form online and send us your narrative and resume/recommendations.
Once selected as a delegate:
- Pay administration and setup fees to the UN Commission.
- Attend all events that are assigned to you and write a summary report regarding each event.
- Contribute to writing a blog post regarding the event for our OneMama blog and social media.
- Uphold personal social media requirements.

Deadline to Apply: January 24th, 2020
If you are passionate about, the empowerment of underrepresented people and groups, and the themes of the CSW64, we look forward to hearing from you. Your application is in great hands.
Thank You and Best of Luck,
The OneMama Action Alliance Family
[…] If you are interested to be a OneMama UN Delegate, click here. […]
[…] for OneMama delegates to attend the CSW in March. The deadline to apply is fast approaching – so please thoroughly read the requirements and submit your application as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from […]
[…] If you are interested to be a OneMama UN Delegate, click here. […]