Sculpting and Learning From Game-Changing Teams at Amazon

I’m honored to be working for a company that is constantly using tactful techniques to stay ahead of the curve in business. As a Senior Staffing Consultant, I have worked with Amazon for years to recruit top-tier talent and build teams that will get results. Amazon reported its 2016 first quarter earnings, which include $513 million in net income—the largest profit ever in company history. This number was particularly impressive, considering Amazon’s reported losses in 2015. What I admire most about my job is the quality of people I’m surround with in the workplace; tenacious and creative people ready to not only beat the odds, but do so while surpassing industry expectations. So happy to work alongside leaders on the cutting edge of business continuing to surpass industry expectations and limitations.
I have to say Amazon has helped me be a better business leader in my own entrepreneurial ventures and the nonprofit world. I’m constantly in business dealings with people and organizations that are unable to work at the level of expertise and professionalism I’m accustomed to from working with an organization like Amazon. I’m a better leader, a better problem solver, and most of all, I’m better at making things happen in an organized, productive way.