8 Quotes to Ignite Your Inner-Superhero


It’s National Superhero Day so we’re honoring the Wonder Women, Superheroes, and Action Heroes of the world.

8 snippets of inspiration to get your superpowers all revved up to fight for your joy and the joy others! Who’s with me?

  1. “I think a hero is anyone really intent on making this a better place for all people.” -Maya Angelou

    I think a hero is anyone really intent o n making this

  2. “In short, superheroes balance the forces of light and dark, rage and serenity, and the sacred and the profane within themselves and from it force an identity that is powerful and purposeful.” -Deepak Chopra

  3. “Life doesn’t give us purpose. We give life purpose.” -The Flash

  4. “We hall have pain and suffering, but what makes us and defines us in this life is how we face that pain, walk through it, and transmute it to our greatness.” -Siobhan Neilland
    Siobhan Neilland Quote

  5. “So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” -Christopher Reeve

  6. “You have so many extraordinary gifts; how can you expect to lead an ordinary life?” -Louisa May Alcott

  7. “When you’ve been fighting for all your life, you’ve been struggling to make things right. That’s how a superhero learns to fly.” -The Script/Superheroes Lyrics

  8. “Of all people, you know who I am…who the world needs me to be. I’m Wonder Woman.” -Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Quote

Become a OneMama Action Hero today by joining us in literally saving lives. Every $4 donated to OneMama.org saves the lives of a mother and a baby through our maternal health programs in Uganda.

What if we all used our superpowers to fight for the joy of others in this world… what kind of world would we live in then?

Make a difference with your superpowers today!

…ready? Now let’s go fight for JOY!



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