OneMama Community Brings Hope and Faith to the Big, Scary World

Last week, the public got a rare inside look into the delicate (and sometimes emotional) world of OneMama founder, Siobhan Neilland. The OneMama Community’s hopeful response shocked us!
While traveling to Seattle and surrounded by busy travelers in a café at the airport Siobhan received an email about another break-in to the OneMama fashion truck. Someone stole the $1,000 generator the front of the truck. This makes it the third break-in since the truck was purchased just last year.
As if the non-stop travel the past few months was not enough to knock Siobhan down, it took this awfully timed email for her to finally break. Her usually happy, free-spirit was squashed. Siobhan had to reach out to the OneMama family for support.
“I’ve hit the wall,” the live video begins. “We have no donations, and I leave in two weeks. The thing that is so beautiful is falling apart, and I can’t do this on my own anymore.”
Her 3-minute video ended with five words, “If you believe in this.” From these words created one of the strongest responses OneMama has seen.
This vulnerable action from someone who usually fills her online space with positive affirmations and hope-filled reflections started a more personal conversation, and the response back was powerful. It was not just watched by a bunch of spectators, but instead, action heroes put on their capes and came to the literal rescue. The community heard the need and took action. You, OneMama Action Hero’s, showed the world, even if only our corner of the Facebook world, that we are a community that cares, hope is our language, and we stick up for those that need a voice. You were a part of saving OneMama this month and it has not gone unnoticed.
“The world can sometimes feel like a big and scary place, but then you speak out of a place of vulnerability and people always step up. They find the action hero in themselves and in this case, they called it out in others. I am forever changed. It helped me believe – it takes a village to help a village and my world village is a strong and united one!” Siobhan reflected.
Your Donations this Month Helped Keep the OneMama Clinic Open!
The donations received as a response to Siobhan’s message have literally kept the OneMama clinic doors open! These donations help cover the basic cost of running the clinic this month. We also received the beginning funds needed to start officially pursuing the insect protein program on the ground this July.
More Help Needed – Don’t take your capes off quite yet! We still need funds.
Siobhan will be on the ground in Uganda through July, and we need donations to help with the critical tasks done while she’s there, such as:
- Our insect harvesting program – bringing much need protein to the families of the village who live on little to no protein at all.
- Our domestic violence program that has changed our community for the better needs more resources. We don’t want to close this program down!
- Funds to build out more family planning programs. We’ve lost all funding for birth control – we need donations to provide this to families in need.
- Funding for economical suitability programs so the OneMama village can fund themselves.
- We need new sewing machines to create garments and items to sell to provide for the their families.
- We need large donations and partners to fund a medical lab. More details coming when Siobhan gets on the ground.
The call to action does not end here. If you believe in this, we are asking you to join in partnering with us to keep this beautiful thing going. We can’t do this on our own and we so thankful you showed us this week that we don’t have to. We are all OneMama.